The full list is here if anyone's interested http: That said, they are wedges and are more resonant than I prefer - but they are workable. Thanks for your reply. Be mindful that "frequency response" gives no indication of cabinet resonance - this is what will complicate your GBF and can only be known with some acoustic testing. Tops for drum fill FOH on speech only gigs poles FOH on small bar gigs - when there is no time or inclination to do much more than vocals poles Some "cabaret" type things.
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And if anyone's interested and still reading I'd be happy to post my findings about all of my equipment. Paul Hill wrote on Tue, 22 May Clarity, overall sound quality. Tops for drum fill FOH on speech only gigs poles FOH on small bar gigs - when there is no time or inclination to do much more than vocals poles Some "cabaret" type things.

JBL JRXM 12" Two-way Watt Stage Monitor JRX m | eBay

Be mindful that "frequency response" gives no indication of cabinet resonance - this is what will complicate your GBF jrx1112m can only be known with some acoustic testing. Prepare for a chorus of this but take a look into the Yamaha SM 12V's. Basically, I, like many others, am trying to start up a sound and lighting hire company and as I'm an experienced DJ I'm using some of the equipment to do mobile DJing while the company gets going.

Apart from the obvious better looks and higher power handling, what else would you say is greatly improved? There is always something "better. The full list is here speakrr anyone's interested http: I use a couple of the "Sound Factor" versions of these de-rat furred for a number of things - very successfully: If you already have them, I speakeg say that they would serve your purpose fairly well.

JBL JRX112M 12" Two-way 250 Watt Stage Monitor JRX 112m

JRX M's sound fine, but there are Monitors for the same price or a little more. The jrx are known for not being the best sounding, but I have never really had any complaints.

They are made to be used as both monitors and mains and you will find them to sound a decent bit better than your JRX's! Give the Yamaha club series a listen. For roughly the same price, they have a much better reputation for sounding good. I use the jrxs, s, and ms on a regular basis.

I've taken a booking for a temporary installation of all of the aforementioned JBL speakers and subs that starts in a few weeks and lasts for around 2 months. The audiences that I'm playing to are mostly people who are attending a friends birthday party or drunk clubbers.

For what they are, the speakre speakers get the job done and although others might disagree, I have abused the crap out of some of them and never had any problems.

They will work as mains, but are not optimum. Please login or register. Monitor channel 5 and 6.

Thanks for your reply. Can you do better? I'm also really happy with the JRX's that I have at the moment.

Jbl Professional

I think they are outstanding for the very low price. The frequency response graph looks similar except the s go about 20Hz lower, but this shouldn't be a problem if I'm using the subs, should it? Nick Direnzi Newbie Offline Posts: Its just one option, there are others out there.

I'll check out the Yamaha's but for now it sounds like the s xpeaker be a good bet for me. If you can afford to spend the extra money, I'd highly recommend it. That said, they are wedges and are more resonant than I prefer - but they are workable. So, I need to get some more speakers so I can carry on with the mobile DJing.


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